Opinie Klinika Weterynaryjna Bemowo - Warszawa

Adres zamieszkania: Powstańców Śląskich 101, 01-495 Warszawa, Polska

Telefon: +48 22 638 39 14

Facet: Weterynarz

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Często zadawane pytania użytkowników

The clinic employs specialists from various fields of veterinary medicine, as well as academic teachers. This ensures that patients receive comprehensive care from experienced professionals.

The clinic's motto is One health for humans and animals. This philosophy emphasizes the importance of considering the health of both humans and animals in a holistic approach, without artificial boundaries.

The clinic has been in operation for 30 years, providing high-quality care to patients throughout this time.

The clinic has merytoryczne support from clinics in Poland and around the world, ensuring that patients receive the best possible care from experienced professionals.

The clinic is committed to continuous development and improvement, investing in the latest medical equipment and infrastructure to provide the highest standards of care.

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