The museum collects, researches, and makes available Warsaw-related items. The main exhibition starts from the history of individual objects to tell the story of events and people who shaped the character of modern Warsaw.
Exhibitions include Spotkanie z Zygmunt Walkowskim dedicated to Ewa Faryaszewska's photographs, Przyszłość, która się zdarzyła. Wolski przemysł i sztuka, and a display of a plate with Pablo Picasso's autograph from the Bristol Hotel in Warsaw.
You can book a guided tour or educational activities by contacting the Education Department at +48 665 645 603, available from Monday to Friday between 10:00 and 15:00.
Yes, every Thursday is a free admission day!
The museum is involved in projects such as Modernization, conservation, and digitization of historical objects and Purchase of equipment and equipment for the implementation of the second stage of the Main Exhibition, co-financed by the European Union and other international organizations.